Q1: Write a program (WAP) to display " Hello World " on console display.
Q2. WAP to input an integer and display it.
Q3. WAP to input a decimal number and display it.
Q4. WAP to input a character and display it.
Q5. WAP to input a fraction (rational number) and display. (Ask the user to input numerator and denominator, then display it in the form of p/q without simplification).
Q6. WAP to add, subtract, multiply, divide numbers.
Q7. WAP to find Nth root of a number.
Q8. WAP for the area of a circle.
Q9. *WAP for simple interest.
Q10. WAP for compound interest
Q11. WAP to calculate gross salary of a person, where gross_salary=basic+da+ta and da is 10% of basic and ta is 12% of basic.